With comment period already closed
Targeted consultation assessing the adequacy of macroprudential policies for non-bank financial intermediation (NBFI) 22/11/2024
European Commission Consultation Paper and targeted consultation document on the implementation of the Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR) 15/12/2023
Call for evidence on the review of the scope and third-country regime of the Benchmark Regulation 29/03/2023
European Commission public consultation on the Electricity Market Design 13/02/2023
Targeted consultation on the regime applicable to the use of benchmarks administered in a third country 12/08/2022
Consulta específica de la Comisión Europea sobre un marco para las finanzas abiertas y para el intercambio de datos en el sector financiero 05/07/2022
European Commission targeted consultation on a digital euro 14/06/2022
Targeted consultation on the functioning of the Money Market Fund Regulation 13/05/2022
European Commission targeted consultation on the functioning of the ESG ratings market in the European Union and on the consideration of ESG factors in credit ratings 06/06/2022
European Commission targeted consultation on options to enhance the suitability and appropriateness assessments 21/03/2022
Targeted consultation on the review of the central clearing framework in the European Union 08/03/2022
European Commission public consultation on strengthening the quality of corporate reporting and its enforcement 04/02/2022
Targeted consultation on the Listing Act: making public capital markets more attractive for EU companies and facilitating access to capital for SMES. 25/02/2022
Targeted consultation of the European Commission on the supervisory convergence and the single rulebook 21/05/2021
European Commission public consultation on the review of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFM Directive) 29/01/2021
European Commission public consultation on the review of the European long-term investment funds (ELTIF) regulatory framework 19/01/2021
CNMV comments on certain aspects of MiFID II in the context of the public consultation launched by the European Commission in February 2020 18/05/2020
European Commission Public consultation on the review of the MiFID II/MiFIR regulatory framework - DEADLINE EXTENDED 18/05/2020
Consultation document on a new digital finance strategy for Europe/FinTech action plan. 26/06/2020
European Commission Consultation on three delegated acts on climate benchmarks 06/05/2020
Consultation document on the review of the non-financial reporting Directive-EXTENDED DEADLINE 11/06/2020
Consultation by the European Commission on the amendment of the Benchmarks Regulation by introducing low carbon and positive carbon impact benchmarks 15/08/2018
Consultation document on FinTech: a more competitive e innovative European financial sector. 15/06/2017
Consulta Pública de la Comisión Europea sobre la revisión intermedia de la Unión de los Mercados de Capitales 08/02/2017
Consultation document: Capital Market Union (CMU) action on cross border distribution of investment funds across the European Union. 02/10/2016
Consultation document on the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) nº 1346/2000, on insolvency proceedings. 14/06/2016
Consulta Pública sobre la revisión de los Reglamentos de los Fondos Europeos de Capital Riesgo y de Emprendimiento Social 06/01/2016
Consulta pública de la CE sobre el Marco Regulatorio de los Servicios Financieros 06/01/2016
Consultation paper on covered bonds in the European Union. 06/01/2016
Consultation document on an European framework for simple, transparent and standardised securitisation. 13/05/2015
Consultation document on the review of the prospectus Directive. 13/05/2015
European Commission Green Paper on Building a Capital Markets Union 13/05/2015
Consultation document on foreign exchange (FX) financial instruments. 09/05/2014
Public consultation on benchmarks and market indices launched following LIBOR manipulation. 15/11/2012
Public consultation on Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS): Product Rules, Liquidity Management, Depositary, Money Market Funds, Long-term Investments 18/10/2012
Public consultation reinforcing sanctioning regimes in the financial services sector. 19/02/2011
Public consultation on the review of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 02/02/2011
Consultation on legislative changes to the UCITS depositary function and to the UCITS managers remuneration. 31/01/2011
Public consultation on legislative steps for the Packaged Reatil Investment Products initiative. 31/01/2011
Public consultation on a revision of the Market Abuse Directive 23/07/2010
Green paper on corporate governance in financial institutions and remuneration policies. 01/09/2010
Public consultation on derivatives and market infrastrustures 10/07/2010
Public consultation on short selling and credit defaults swaps (CDSs) 10/07/2010
Consulta pública de la Comisión Europea sobre la función del depositario en las Ucits. (Consultation paper on the ucits depositary function) 15/09/2009
Consulta pública sobre posibles iniciativas para reforzar la resistencia de los mercados de derivados OTC. (Consultation Document: Possible initiatives to enhance the resilience of OTC Derivatives Mar 31/08/2009
Consulta pública sobre la comunicación de la Comisión Europea de 27 de mayo acerca de la Supervisión Financiera Europea. (Consultation on Commission Communication of 27 May 2009 on European Financial 15/07/2009
Consulta pública sobre la revisión de la Directiva de Abuso de Mercado. (Call for evidence on the Review of Directive 2003/06/EC on insider dealing and market manipulation) 10/06/2009
Consulta pública sobre la revisión de la Directiva del Fondo de Compensación de Inversores. (Call for evidence on review of Investor Compensation Schemes Directive) 08/04/2009
Consulta pública de la Comisión Europea sobre la revisión de la Directiva de Folletos (Directiva 2003/71/CE) 10/03/2009