IOSCO seeks feedback on market liquidity issues affecting corporate bond markets under stress
| 30/06/2022 |
IOSCO Consultation Report on Exchange Traded Funds - Good Practices for Consideration
| 06/07/2022 |
IOSCO Consultation Paper on recent retail investor trends and related conduct implications
| 23/05/2022 |
Consultation report on elements of international regulatory standards on fees and expenses of investment funds.
| 23/09/2015 |
Consultation report on sound practices at large intermediaries: alternatives to the use of credit ratings to assess creditworthiness.
| 08/07/2015 |
Consultation report: Market intermediary business continuity and recovery planning.
| 06/06/2015 |
Consultation report: Mechanisms for Trading Venues for effectively manage electronic trading risks and plans for business continuity.
| 06/06/2015 |
Financial Stability Board (FSB) e IOSCO 2º consultative document on proposed assessment methodologies for identifying Non-Bank Non-Insurer Global Sistemically Important Financial Institutions.
| 29/05/2015 |
First questionnaire adressed to the public on other Credir Rating Agencies products.
| 23/03/2015 |
Consultation report: cross-border regulation.
| 23/02/2015 |
BCBS and IOSCO consultative document on criteria for identifying simple, transparent and comparable securitisations.
| 13/02/2015 |
Consultation report: Post-trade transparency in the Credit Default Swaps (CDSs) market.
| 15/02/2015 |
Consultation paper on principles regarding the custody of collective investment schemes´ assets.
| 10/12/2014 |
Consultation report: Risk mitigation standards for non-centrally cleared OTC derivatives.
| 17/10/2014 |
Consultation paper on proposed statement on Non-GAAP financial measures.
| 05/12/2014 |
IOSCO public survey on its 2015-2020 strategic plan.
| 27/06/2014 |
Consultation report: good practices on reducing reliance on CRAs in asset management.
| 05/09/2014 |
Consultation report: strategic framework for investor education and financial literacy.
| 31/07/2014 |
Consultation report: Code of Conduct Fundamentals for Credit Rating Agencies.
| 28/03/2014 |
CPSS-IOSCO consultative report on assessment methodology for the oversight expectations applicable to critical services.
| 20/02/2014 |
FSB-IOSCO consultative document on assessment methodologies for identifying non-bank non-insurer global Sistemically Important Financial Institutions.
| 07/04/2014 |
CPSS-IOSCO consultative report on public quantitative standards for Central Counterparties (CCPs).
| 13/12/2013 |
CPSS-IOSCO consultative report on recovery of financial market infrastructures.
| 11/10/2013 |
Consultation report on Regulation of Retail Structured Products.
| 13/06/2013 |
Consultation report on principles for financial benchmarks.
| 16/05/2013 |
Consultation report on regulatory issues raised by changes in market structure.
| 10/05/2013 |
CPSS-IOSCO consultative document on Authorities´ access to Trade Repository data.
| 10/05/2013 |
IOSCO consultation report on recommendations regarding the protection of client assets.
| 25/03/2013 |
Joint Forum consultative document on mortgage insurance: market structure, underwriting cycle and policy implications.
| 30/04/2013 |
BCBS and IOSCO second consultative document on margin requirements for non-centrally-cleared derivatives.
| 15/03/2013 |
Consultation report on financial benchmarks.
| 11/02/2013 |
Consultation report on Supervisory Colleges for Credit Rating Agencies.
| 15/02/2013 |
Consultation report on technological challenges to effective market surveillance-issues and regulatory tools.
| 10/10/2012 |
Public consultation from CPSS-IOSCO: Recovery and resolution of financial market infrastructures.
| 28/09/2012 |
Consultation report on margin requirements for non-centrally-cleared derivatives.
| 28/09/2012 |
Consultation report on global developments in securitization regulation.
| 06/08/2012 |
Consultation report: Credit Rating Agencies internal controls designed to ensure the integrity of the credit rating process and procedures to manage conflicts of interest.
| 09/07/2012 |
Consultation report on Principles of liquidity risk management for Collective Investment Schemes.
| 02/08/2012 |
Consultation report: Money Market Fund systemic risk analysis and reform options.
| 29/06/2012 |
Consultation report on suitability requirements for complex financial productos.
| 21/05/2012 |
Consultative report: Assessment methodology for the principles for FMIs and the responsibilities of authorities.
| 15/06/2012 |
Consultation report: Disclosure framework for Financial Markets Infrastructure.
| 15/06/2012 |
Consultation report on Principles for on going disclosure for Asset Backed Securities (ABSs).
| 20/04/2012 |
Consultation report on Principles for the valuation of Collective Investment Schemes (CIS).
| 18/05/2012 |
Public consultation on the governance of the Monitoring Group, the PIOB and the standard-setting boards and Compliance Advisory Panel operating under the auspices of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and PIOB work program 2012 and beyond.
| 28/06/2012 |
Consultation report on Principles for the regulation of Exchange Traded Funds.
| 27/06/2012 |
Consultation report on functioning and oversight of Oil Price Reporting Agencies.
| 30/03/2012 |
Joint Forum consultative paper: Principles for the supervision of financial conglomerates.
| 16/03/2012 |
Consultation report: Regulatory issues raised by the impact of the technological changes on market integrity and efficiency.
| 12/08/2011 |
Consultation report: principles for financial market infrastructures.
| 29/07/2011 |
Consultation report: Principles on suspension of redemptions in Collective Investment Schemes.
| 30/05/2011 |
Consultation report: issues raised by dark liquidity.
| 28/01/2011 |
Consultation report on intermediary internal controls associated with the price verification of structured finance products and regulatory approaches to liquidity risk management.
| 29/10/2010 |
Consultation report on Regulatory Implementation of the Statement of Principles Regarding the Activities of Credit Rating Agencies.
| 06/08/2010 |
Consultation report on Transparency of Firms that Audit Public Companies.
| 15/01/2010 |
Consultation report on Auditor Communications
| 15/01/2010 |
Consultation Report on Private Equity Conflicts of Interest
| 01/02/2010 |
Consultation report on exploration of Non-Professional Ownership Structures for Audit Firms
| 15/01/2010 |
Consulta pública de IOSCO sobre transparencia de productos financieros estructurados. (Consultation report on transparency of structured finance products)
| 13/11/2009 |
Consulta pública sobre los Principios de información pública periódica de las Entidades cotizadas. (Consultation paper on Principles for Periodic Disclosure by Listed Entities)
| 31/08/2009 |
Consulta pública de IOSCO sobre los principios de desgloses de información en las ofertas públicas y admisiones de valores titulizados. (Consultation paper on Disclosure Principles for Public Offerings and Listing of Asset-Backed Securities)
| 10/08/2009 |
Consulta pública sobre las recomendaciones provisionales de IOSCO acerca de mercados y productos financieros no regulados. (Consultation report on unregulated financial markets and products)
| 15/06/2009 |
Consulta pública sobre Políticas de Acceso Electrónico Directo a los Mercados. (Consultation paper on policies on Direct Electronic Access)
| 20/05/2009 |
Consulta pública sobre los Principios sobre externalización de servicios por los Mercados. (Consultation paper on principles on Outsourcing by Markets)
| 20/05/2009 |
Consulta pública sobre la regulación de las venta en corto. (Consultation report on regulation of short selling)
| 04/05/2009 |
Consulta pública sobre supervisión de hedge funds. (Consultation report on hedge funds oversight)
| 30/04/2009 |
Documento a consulta de IOSCO sobre sobre estándares regulatorios para Fondos de Fondos de Inversión Alternativa "Hedge Funds". (Consultation paper on regulatory standards for Funds of Hedge Funds)
| 30/01/2009 |