PROSEGUR CASH, S.A. «12» Page 1 out of 2 18/12/2024 19:16 PROSEGUR CASH, S.A. On share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes Approval of a Share Buy-Back Programme Register number: 2532 27/02/2024 08:18 PROSEGUR CASH, S.A. On financial instruments Communication of a proposal to the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting on the distribution of a dividend against reserves Register number: 2127 26/10/2022 21:49 PROSEGUR CASH, S.A. On financial instruments Communication of a proposal to the Shareholders' Meeting on a distribution of a dividend against reserves Register number: 1616 26/10/2022 21:42 PROSEGUR CASH, S.A. On share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes Amendment of the treasury share buyback programme Register number: 1615 21/12/2021 08:25 PROSEGUR CASH, S.A. On financial instruments Distribution of an interim dividend out of the profit of the current financial year Register number: 1233 21/12/2021 08:22 PROSEGUR CASH, S.A. On share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes Approval of a Share Buy-Back Programme Register number: 1232 17/03/2021 21:30 PROSEGUR CASH, S.A. On corporate transactions: mergers, acquisitions and others Sale of certain areas of the Added-Value Outsourcing Services (AVOS) business for financial institutions and insurers, as well as associated technology to Prosegur Compañía de Seguridad, S.A. Register number: 802 Related to communication no. 799 dated 16/03/2021 (20:46) 16/03/2021 20:46 PROSEGUR CASH, S.A. On corporate transactions: mergers, acquisitions and others Sale of certain areas of the Added-Value Outsourcing Services (AVOS) business for financial institutions and insurers, as well as associated technology to Prosegur Compañía de Seguridad, S.A. Register number: 799 17/12/2020 08:40 PROSEGUR CASH, S.A. On financial instruments Distribution of an interim dividend out of the profit of the current financial year Register number: 629 28/07/2020 21:24 PROSEGUR CASH, S.A. On financial instruments - On issues of financial instruments Fourth payment of the 2019 interim dividend. Programme to reinvest dividends in newly issued shares. Register number: 369 Page 1 out of 2 «12»