BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. «...678910...» Página 10 de 134 desde 01/07/1988 hasta 10/09/2024 17/04/2018 20:57 BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. Credit ratings Banco Sabadell announces that Moody´s Investors Service has raised its credit rating and has changed the outlook on Banco Sabadell’s deposits credit rating. Número de registro: 264258 06/04/2018 20:02 BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. Credit ratings Banco Sabadell announces that Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings has raised its credit rating. Número de registro: 263832 09/03/2018 07:56 BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. Announcements and resolutions of general shareholders meetings Banco Sabadell announces that it has resolved to hold the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders at 18.00 on 19 April 2018 (at second call) and issues the Notice of Meeting and Proposed Resolutions Número de registro: 262681 Relacionado con 264392 del 19/04/2018 (21:49) 09/03/2018 07:51 BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. Composition of other management and supervisory bodies Banco Sabadell announces changes in the composition of the Appointments Committee Número de registro: 262680 28/02/2018 17:51 BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. Early expiration Banco Sabadell gives notice of the full early amortisation of the issue of Structured Bonds 3/2016 of Banco de Sabadell, S.A Número de registro: 262345 23/02/2018 22:44 BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. Board of directors remuneration annual statement La Sociedad remite el Informe Anual sobre remuneraciones de los consejeros del Ejercicio 2017 Número de registro: 261987 23/02/2018 22:43 BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. Corporate governance annual report La sociedad remite el Informe Anual de Gobierno Corporativo del ejercicio 2017 Número de registro: 261986 23/02/2018 19:26 BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. Interim financial information La sociedad remite información sobre los resultados del segundo semestre de 2017 Número de registro: 261984 23/02/2018 10:46 BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. Strategic plans, profit forecasts and presentations Banco Sabadell submits the presentation of its new strategic plan. Número de registro: 261929 02/02/2018 07:17 BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. Information on P&L Banco Sabadell submits presentation on the results of the 2017 fiscal year Número de registro: 261226 Página 10 de 134 «...678910...»