With comment period already closed
Consulta pública de la modificación de las Circulares 11/2008, de 30 de diciembre, Circular 4/2016, de 29 de junio, y la Circular 6/2008, de 26 de noviembre, de la CNMV. 25/11/2024
Consulta pública de la modificación de las Circulares 1/2021, de 25 de marzo; 1/2010, de 28 de julio, 5/2009, de 25 de noviembre, 1/2018, de 12 de marzo, y 1/2014, de 26 de febrero, de la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores. 30/06/2024
Consulta pública relativa a la actualización de la Guía Técnica sobre Comisiones de Auditoría de Entidades de Interés Público 18/03/2024
Public consultation for the Technical Guide on the reinforcement of CIS’s transparency with the specific performance objective and of fixed income CIS with a buy-and-hold strategy 31/03/2023
Public consultation on additional intervention measures on CFD trading 31/01/2023
Public consultation regarding the draft for a new Circular on the accounting standards, annual accounts and interim financial statements of the market infrastructures for public consultation 18/11/2022
Consulta pública del Código de buenas prácticas para inversores institucionales, gestores de activos y asesores de voto en relación con sus deberes respecto de los activos asignados o los servicios prestados 16/09/2022
Valoración de las observaciones recibidas en el trámite de audiencia pública de la Guía Técnica 2/2022 para la evaluación de la conveniencia 13/09/2021
Public Consultation the Draft Circular on the prospectus for CISs and the registration of the key investor document (KID) 27/05/2022
Public Consultation on the Draft Circular amending the templates for notifications of significant shareholdings, issuer transactions in treasury stock and market makers 30/04/2022
Assessment of the comments received during the public consultation process on Technical Guide 1/2022 15/10/2021
Comments received during the phase for public consultation on the draft Technical Guide on the management and control of the liquidity of Collective Investment Schemes 15/10/2021
Comentarios recibidos durante la fase de consulta pública del proyecto de guía técnica para la evaluación de la conveniencia 13/09/2021
Valoración de las observaciones recibidas en el trámite de audiencia pública de la Circular 3/2021 05/08/2021
Comentarios recibidos al Proyecto de Circular por la que se modifican los modelos de informe anual de gobierno corporativo a cumplimentar por las sociedades anónimas cotizadas y el modelo de informe anual de remuneraciones de consejeros 05/08/2021
Proyecto de Guía Técnica sobre la gestión y el control de la liquidez de las Instituciones de Inversión Colectiva (IIC) 15/10/2021
Consulta pública del Proyecto de Guía Técnica para la evaluación de la conveniencia 30/09/2021
Consulta pública de Proyecto de Circular sobre requerimientos de información estadística a los fondos de mercado monetario 13/09/2021
Draft Circular amending the templates used for the annual corporate governance report to be completed by listed public limited companies and the template used for the annual report on the remuneration of board members 05/08/2021
Circular 1/2022, of 10 January, of the Spanish National Securities Market Commission, on the advertising of crypto-assets for investment purposes 16/04/2021
Assessment of the comments received during the public consultation process 15/02/2021
Comentarios recibidos durante la fase de consulta pública de la propuesta de Circular sobre normas contables, cuentas anuales y estados financieros de ESI, SGIIC y SGEIC 15/02/2021
Draft accounting Circular for Investment Firms, Collective Investment Scheme Management Companies and Venture Capital Management Companies repealing Circular 7/2008 15/02/2021
Proposal to amend Technical Guide 4/2017 for the evaluation of knowledge and skills of staff who provide information and advice 19/10/2020
Comentarios recibidos durante la fase de consulta pública a la propuesta de modificación de la Guía Técnica 4/2017 para la evaluación de los conocimientos y competencias del personal que informa y asesora 19/10/2020
Public consultation on the draft Technical Guide on the appointment of unregistered entities or persons as CIS advisers 14/10/2020
Comments received during the public consultation phase on the draft CNMV Technical Guide on the appointment of unregistered entities or persons as CIS advisers 14/10/2020
Public consultation on the draft Circular amending the templates used for the Annual Corporate Governance and Board Member Remuneration Reports 18/09/2020
Comments received during the phase for public consultation on the draft Circular amending the templates used for the Annual Corporate Governance and Board Member Remuneration Reports 18/09/2020
Public consultation on the Draft Technical Guide on currency derivatives used as a means of payment not considered to be a financial instrument 18/09/2020
Comments received during the phase for public consultation on the draft Technical Guide on currency derivatives used as a means of payment not considered to be a financial instrument 18/09/2020
Public consultation on the draft Circular on the advertising of investment products and services 11/09/2020
Comments received during the public consultation phase on the Draft Circular on the advertising of investment products and services 11/09/2020
The CNMV submits for public consultation the amendment of certain recommendations of the Code of Good Governance for listed companies 14/02/2020
Comments received during the public consultation phase of the proposed amendment of certain recommendations of the Code of Good Governance for listed companies 14/02/2020
The CNMV submits for public consultation a Technical Guide on the authorisation procedure for new firms to speed up processes 30/09/2019
Comments received during the public consultation phase of the proposed Technical Guide on the authorisation procedure for new firms to speed up processes 30/09/2019
Public consultation on the amendment of Circular 1/2017 of 26 April of the Spanish National Securities Market Commission on liquidity contracts 31/05/2019
Comments received during the public consultation phase on the proposal to amend Circular 1/2017, of 26 April, of the Spanish National Securities Market Commission on liquidity contracts 31/05/2019
The CNMV submits for public consultation the Technical Guide on procedures for the selection of CISMC intermediaries 17/06/2019
Public consultation for the proposed Technical Guide on the performance of ancillary activities by investment firms 23/04/2019
Public consultation on the proposed Technical Guide on Nomination and Remuneration Committees 20/12/2018
Comments received during the phase for public consultation on the proposed Technical Guide on Nomination and Remuneration Committees 20/12/2018
Public consultation on the CNMV proposal for intervention measures on binary options and financial contracts for differences 30/11/2018
Draft Circular amending Circular 1/2009, of 4 February, on the collective investment scheme categories established according to their investment vocation 27/07/2018
Draft Circular by which Circulars 1/2010 and 7/2008 are ammended 27/07/2018
Propuesta de Circular sobre IPP de los emisores con valores admiitidos a negociación en mercados regulados 31/05/2018
Comments received regarding the public consultation on the draft Circular on periodic reporting by issuers of securities admitted to trading on regulated markets 31/05/2018
Proyecto Circular por el que se modifican los modelos de IAGC e IARC 02/03/2018
Propuesta de Guía Técnica sobre gestión de conflictos de interés en las operaciones vinculadas de las IIC y en otra operativa de las SGIIC 31/12/2017
Proyecto de Circular sobre cuentas anuales y estados de información reservada de las sociedades gestoras de fondos de titulización y por la que se modifican las Circulares 4/2008, de 11 de septiembre, 7/2008, de 26 de noviembre, 11/2008, de 30 de diciembre y 1/2010, de 28 de julio de la CNMV, que afectan a cuestiones relativas a información pública periódica de IIC, SGIIC y SGEIC, ECR y entidades que prestan servicios de inversión, respectivamente. 30/11/2017
Draft CNMV Circular amending CNMV Circular 2/2011, of 9 June, on information on foreign collective investment schemes registered with the CNMV. 16/10/2017
Draft Circular on the obligations of investment firms regarding disclosure through their websites in relation to corporate governance and remuneration policy, amending CNMV Circular 7/2008, of 26 November 10/10/2017
Proposal for a Technical Guidelines for the assessment of the knowledge and competence of persons giving information and advice 10/05/2017
Proyecto de Circular por la que se modifica la Circular 9/2008, de 10 de diciembre, de la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores, sobre normas contables y estados de información pública y reservada de las infraestructuras de mercado 01/07/2016
Proyecto de Circular sobre las funciones de los depositarios de Instituciones de Inversión Colectiva y Entidades reguladas por la Ley 22/2014, de 12 de noviembre. 04/02/2016