PROMOTORA DE INFORMACIONES, S.A. «12345...» Page 3 out of 22 08/04/2024 13:40 PROMOTORA DE INFORMACIONES, S.A. Liquidity and counterparty agreements The Company reports on the operations carried out in the first quarter of 2024 under the liquidity agreement entered into with JB Capital Markets. Register number: 27889 19/03/2024 08:01 PROMOTORA DE INFORMACIONES, S.A. Liquidity and counterparty agreements The Company reports the reactivation of the liquidity contract signed with JB Capital Capital Markets Register number: 27533 14/03/2024 14:00 PROMOTORA DE INFORMACIONES, S.A. On business and financial situation Presentation of the Company about the issuance of mandatory convertible notes with pre-emptive subscription sights Register number: 27459 14/03/2024 13:52 PROMOTORA DE INFORMACIONES, S.A. On business and financial situation PRISA informs on the approval and registration in CNMV of the securities note relating to the public offer for subscription of subordinated notes mandatorily convertible into ordinary shares of the Company. Register number: 27457 12/03/2024 20:49 PROMOTORA DE INFORMACIONES, S.A. Annual financial reports and audit reports La sociedad remite el Informe Financiero Anual del ejercicio 2023 Register number: 27407 12/03/2024 19:20 PROMOTORA DE INFORMACIONES, S.A. Other relevant information 2023 Consolidated Non-Financial Information Statement Register number: 27405 12/03/2024 19:16 PROMOTORA DE INFORMACIONES, S.A. Annual corporate governance report La sociedad remite el Informe Anual de Gobierno Corporativo del ejercicio 2023 Register number: 27404 12/03/2024 19:09 PROMOTORA DE INFORMACIONES, S.A. Annual report on directors´ remunerations La Sociedad remite el Informe Anual sobre remuneraciones de los consejeros del Ejercicio 2023 Register number: 27403 26/02/2024 19:20 PROMOTORA DE INFORMACIONES, S.A. Other relevant information The Company reports on the Award issued within the arbitration proceedings initiated against Cofina SGPS, S.A., regarding the sale of all the shares from Vertix SGPS, S.A Register number: 26756 26/02/2024 18:15 PROMOTORA DE INFORMACIONES, S.A. Total number of voting rights and capital The Company informs that the public deed relating to the capital increase by conversion of subordinated notes necessarily convertible into shares of PRISA has been registered in the Spanish Commercial Registry. Register number: 26754 Page 3 out of 22 «12345...»