TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. «12345...» Page 4 out of 12 18/04/2023 15:37 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. Liquidity and counterparty agreements Quarterly information of operations on execution of the liquidity agreement 23T Register number: 21979 18/04/2023 08:15 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. On business and financial situation Técnicas Reunidas and FCC in consortium with Entrade GMBH win the contract to develop a large regasification terminal in Germany Register number: 21963 13/04/2023 08:10 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. Liquidity and counterparty agreements The Company informs of the renewal, effective as of today, of the transactions under the liquidity agreement Register number: 21898 12/04/2023 08:11 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. On financial instruments Presentación sobre el aumento de capital anunciado por la Compañía / Presentation corresponding to the share capital increase announced by the Company Register number: 21878 11/04/2023 19:16 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. On financial instruments The Company confirms that the National Securities Market Commission has approved and registered in its official registers the informative prospectus corresponding to the share capital increase. Register number: 21876 22/03/2023 11:40 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. Board of Directors Regulations La sociedad remite el reglamento del Consejo de Administración Register number: 21481 22/03/2023 11:38 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. General Shareholders’ Meeting Regulations La sociedad remite el Reglamento de la junta general de accionistas Register number: 21480 06/03/2023 19:13 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. On business and financial situation Técnicas Reunidas presents track, its proposal for the energy transition and industrial decarbonisation Register number: 21188 28/02/2023 22:06 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. Half-yearly financial reports and audit reports/limited audit review La sociedad remite información financiera del segundo semestre de 2022 Register number: 21060 28/02/2023 21:54 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. Annual financial reports and audit reports La sociedad remite el Informe Financiero Anual del ejercicio 2022 Register number: 21058 Page 4 out of 12 «12345...»