TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. «...1112» Page 11 out of 12 28/07/2020 17:32 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. On business and financial situation Saudi Aramco awards TR the Sour Water Stripper Project for the Ras Tanura Refinery, Saudi Arabia Register number: 3688 14/07/2020 11:39 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. Liquidity and counterparty agreements Quarterly information of operations on execution of the liquidity agreement 12T Register number: 3391 13/07/2020 18:03 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. Liquidity and counterparty agreements Quarterly information of operations on execution of the liquidity agreement 11T Register number: 3380 26/06/2020 12:56 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. On corporate governance The Company announces the appointment of Honorary Chairman and Executive Chairman Register number: 3010 26/06/2020 12:51 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting The Company sends information about the resolutions passed in the General Shareholders Meeting 2020 Register number: 3009 19/06/2020 10:31 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting Complementary announcement to the call for the 2020 General Shareholders Meeting Register number: 2895 Notification modified by communication number 2412 dated 25/05/2020 (20:20) 25/05/2020 20:20 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting Técnicas Reunidas announces the Ordinary Shareholders´ Meeting 2020 Register number: 2412 Notification modified by communication number 2895 dated 19/06/2020 (10:31) 25/05/2020 08:32 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. Interim management report La sociedad remite declaración intermedia de gestión del primer trimestre de 2020 Register number: 2392 28/02/2020 13:44 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. Annual report on directors´ remunerations La Sociedad remite el Informe Anual sobre remuneraciones de los consejeros del Ejercicio 2019 Register number: 617 28/02/2020 13:36 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. Annual corporate governance report La sociedad remite el Informe Anual de Gobierno Corporativo del ejercicio 2019 Register number: 616 Page 11 out of 12 «...1112»