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Issue and public offering prospectuses
Register dateRegister numberprospectusFact sheetProspectusnominal valueISINAdmission to regulated market
05/06/2002 3837 Prospectus register number: 3837 DOC. REGISTRO 
08/11/2001 3621 Prospectus register number: 3621 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES3,000,000 ES0214840110 AIAF
13/07/2001 3621 Prospectus register number: 3621 PROGRAMA RENTA FIJA75,000,000
07/06/2001 3584 Prospectus register number: 3584 PROGRAMA PAGARES1,500,000,000 AIAF
29/05/2001 3255 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES3,000,000 ES0214840102 AIAF
17/04/2001 3545 Prospectus register number: 3545 DOC. REGISTRO 
25/01/2001 3255 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES75,000,000 ES0314840036 AIAF
25/01/2001 3255 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES105,000,000 ES0314840028 AIAF
25/01/2001 3255 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES1,940,000 ES0314840010 AIAF
26/09/2000 3360 OBLIGACIONES SUBORDINADAS90,000,000 ES0214840094 AIAF
11/08/2000 3255 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES100,000,000 ES0214840086 AIAF
09/08/2000 3255.3 AMPLIACION DE LA EMISION 
21/07/2000 3255 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES6,000,000 ES0214840078 AIAF
13/06/2000 3255 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES450,000,000 AIAF
06/06/2000 3255 PROGRAMA RENTA FIJA1,470,000,000
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