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Admission prospectus
Register dateRegister numberprospectusFact sheetProspectusnominal valueISINAdmission to regulated market
03/10/2006 15238 Prospectus register number: 15238 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES50,000,000 ES0214840292 AIAF
12/09/2006 15196 Prospectus register number: 15196 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES85,000,000 ES0214840284
31/08/2006 15106 Prospectus register number: 15106 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES50,000,000 ES0314840127 AIAF
29/08/2006 15103 Prospectus register number: 15103 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES100,000,000 ES0314840119 AIAF
20/07/2006 14793 Prospectus register number: 14793 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES1,000,000,000 ES0314840101 AIAF
28/03/2006 13682 Prospectus register number: 13682 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES110,000,000 ES0214840276 AIAF
21/03/2006 13675 Prospectus register number: 13675 CEDULAS HIPOTECARIAS1,750,000,000 ES0414840274 AIAF
15/12/2005 12474 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES10,000,000 ES0214840268 AIAF
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