«12345...» Page 4 out of 6 24/04/2024 11:52 The CNMV publishes the annual supervisory report on non-financial information of issuing companies 24/04/2024 11:50 The CNMV publishes the annual supervisory report on the annual accounts of issuing companies for 2022 16/04/2024 09:58 The CNMV issues an urgent warning: MetaQuotes.net and Nacional Trade LTD are impersonating CNMV’s identity 15/04/2024 10:55 Austria, France, Italy and Spain set out their views on a macro-prudential approach to asset management A macro-prudential approach to asset management 04/04/2024 10:48 The CNMV reviews the implementation of the new obligations related to clients’ sustainability preferences 23/03/2024 12:30 La CNMV desmiente informaciones sobre investigaciones adicionales en relación con Grifols 22/03/2024 12:20 La CNMV autoriza la opa sobre Applus Services, formulada por Amber Equityco, competidora con la formulada por Manzana Spain Bidco 21/03/2024 19:44 Public statement regarding Grifols 28/02/2024 10:30 La participación de los inversores minoristas en bolsa prosiguió su crecimiento en 2023 27/02/2024 11:56 The CNMV presents its 2024 Activity Plan Page 4 out of 6 «12345...»