TALGO, S.A. «...11121314» Page 14 out of 14 27/02/2020 18:21 TALGO, S.A. Annual corporate governance report La sociedad remite el Informe Anual de Gobierno Corporativo del ejercicio 2019 Register number: 480 27/02/2020 18:21 TALGO, S.A. Annual report on directors´ remunerations La Sociedad remite el Informe Anual sobre remuneraciones de los consejeros del Ejercicio 2019 Register number: 479 27/02/2020 17:56 TALGO, S.A. Half-yearly financial reports and audit reports/limited audit review La sociedad remite información financiera del segundo semestre de 2019 Register number: 465 26/02/2020 17:06 TALGO, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes Transactions carried out by Talgo, S.A. under its share buy-back programme between 17 and 21 of February 2020 Register number: 332 19/02/2020 18:56 TALGO, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes Transactions carried out by Talgo, S.A. under its share buy-back programme between 10 and 14 of February 2020 Register number: 144 12/02/2020 13:23 TALGO, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes Transactions carried out by Talgo, S.A. under its share buy-back programme between 3 and 7 of February 2020 Register number: 41 Page 14 out of 14 «...11121314»