CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. «...1112131415...» Page 14 out of 55 from 01/07/1988 to 04/10/2024 The price-sensitive information presented in other languages is a literal translation of the price-sensitive information stated in Spanish 30/06/2015 10:44 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Announcements of public presentations and meetings CIE Automotive releases the date for the presentation of the First Half 2015 results and the corresponding conference call. Register number: 225290 26/06/2015 08:53 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Information on dividends La Sociedad comunica el pago, con fecha 3 de julio de 2015, del dividendo complementario con cargo a los resultados del ejercicio 2014, aprobado por la junta general de 30/04/2015. Register number: 225149 25/06/2015 23:08 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Composition of the board of directors CIE Automotive informs on the resignation and appointment of members of the Board of Directors. The company also informs on the launch and members of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee. Register number: 225145 11/05/2015 17:54 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Interim financial information La sociedad remite información sobre los resultados del primer trimestre de 2015 Register number: 222845 30/04/2015 17:50 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Announcements and resolutions of general shareholders meetings CIE Automotive comunica los acuerdos adoptados en su Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas celebrada en el día de hoy. Register number: 222281 30/04/2015 11:37 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Strategic plans, profit forecasts and presentations The Company discloses the presentation by the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer during the General Shareholders’ Meeting. Register number: 222188 16/04/2015 12:40 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Announcements of public presentations and meetings CIE Automotive releases the date for the presentation of the 1st Q 2015 results and the corresponding conference call. Register number: 221423 13/04/2015 13:43 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Loans, credit lines and guarantees CIE Automotive discloses the amendment and extension of its syndicated financing facility. Register number: 221287 23/03/2015 08:51 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Announcements and resolutions of general shareholders meetings La Sociedad anuncia la convocatoria de Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas a celebrar a las 13:00 horas del día 30 de abril de 2015 en primera convocatoria y, en su caso, el día siguiente a la misma hora en segunda. Register number: 220442 Corrected by 220441 of 23/03/2015 (08:47) 23/03/2015 08:47 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Announcements and resolutions of general shareholders meetings La Sociedad anuncia la convocatoria de Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas a celebrar a las 13:00 horas del día 30 de abril de 2015 en primera convocatoria y, en su caso, el día siguiente a la misma hora en segunda. Register number: 220441 Corrected by 220442 of 23/03/2015 (08:51) Page 14 out of 55 «...1112131415...»