CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. «...1112131415...» Page 12 out of 55 from 01/07/1988 to 11/10/2024 The price-sensitive information presented in other languages is a literal translation of the price-sensitive information stated in Spanish 14/04/2016 17:50 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Public offer of shares CIE Automotive S.A. informs on the approval and registration of the prospectus related to the share subscription offer of Global Dominion Access, S.A. Register number: 237382 08/04/2016 08:37 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Announcements of public presentations and meetings CIE Automotive releases the date for the presentation of the 1Q FY2016 results and the corresponding conference call. Register number: 237175 30/03/2016 08:21 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Others on corporate transactions CIE AUTOMOTIVE announces the announcement of subsidiary Global Dominion Access’ intention to float. Register number: 236740 21/03/2016 08:54 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Announcements and resolutions of general shareholders meetings La Sociedad anuncia la convocatoria de Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas a celebrar a las 12:30 horas del martes 26 de abril de 2016 en primera convocatoria y, en su caso, el día siguiente a la misma hora en segunda. Register number: 236554 08/03/2016 21:31 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Others on corporate transactions CIE AUTOMOTIVE confirms a strategic transaction with its subsidiary Global Dominion Access is under study. Register number: 236063 24/02/2016 17:54 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Board of directors remuneration annual statement La Sociedad remite el Informe Anual sobre remuneraciones de los consejeros del Ejercicio 2015 Register number: 235271 24/02/2016 17:54 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Corporate governance annual report La sociedad remite el Informe Anual de Gobierno Corporativo del ejercicio 2015 Register number: 235270 24/02/2016 17:53 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Information on P&L La Sociedad remite nota de prensa sobre los resultados anuales de 2015 Register number: 235269 24/02/2016 17:52 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Information on P&L The Company releases additional information related with FY 2015 results. Register number: 235268 24/02/2016 17:46 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Interim financial information La sociedad remite información sobre los resultados del segundo semestre de 2015 Register number: 235267 Page 12 out of 55 «...1112131415...»