CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. «...1112131415...» Página 11 de 55 desde 01/07/1988 hasta 14/09/2024 26/05/2016 08:27 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Strategic plans, profit forecasts and presentations CIE Automotive discloses the presentation on the Strategic Plan 2016-2020, object of the Analyst Day. Número de registro: 239098 23/05/2016 17:44 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Announcements of public presentations and meetings CIE Automotive will host a meeting with analysts in order to present the Strategic Plan 2016-2020. Número de registro: 238960 17/05/2016 17:46 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Transmissions and purchases of capital undertakings CIE Automotive informs on the acquisition of the remaining 35% of its subsidiary Century Plastics LLC. Número de registro: 238732 12/05/2016 08:24 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Information on P&L La Sociedad remite nota de prensa sobre los resultados del primer trimestre de 2016. Número de registro: 238513 12/05/2016 08:21 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Interim financial information La sociedad remite información sobre los resultados del primer trimestre de 2016 Número de registro: 238512 09/05/2016 08:11 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Transmissions and purchases of capital undertakings CIE Automotive has entered into an acquisition agreement for Grupo Amaya Telleria Número de registro: 238379 Relacionado con 241941 del 09/08/2016 (08:47) 26/04/2016 18:16 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Composition of the board of directors La Sociedad comunica los acuerdos adoptados por el Consejo de Administración celebrado tras la Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas celebrada hoy, 26 de abril de 2016. Número de registro: 237830 26/04/2016 17:16 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Announcements and resolutions of general shareholders meetings CIE Automotive comunica los acuerdos adoptados en su Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas celebrada en el día de hoy. Número de registro: 237823 26/04/2016 11:29 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Strategic plans, profit forecasts and presentations The Company discloses the presentation by the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer during the General Shareholders’ Meeting. Número de registro: 237777 25/04/2016 20:33 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Public offer of shares Final offer price of the initial primary share offering and execution of the underwriting agreement of its subsidiary Global Dominion Access S.A.. Número de registro: 237759 Página 11 de 55 «...1112131415...»