BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. «12345...» Página 3 de 134 desde 01/07/1988 hasta 17/02/2025 05/08/2019 07:59 BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. Transmissions and purchases of capital undertakings Banco Sabadell gives notice of the transfer of 100% of the share capital in SDIN Residencial, S.L.U. and a pool of real estate assets. Número de registro: 281074 Relacionado con 274461 del 05/02/2019 (08:24) 02/08/2019 18:45 BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. Others on business performance and financial information Banco Sabadell announces that it has reached an agreement for the sale of a portfolio of real estate assets Número de registro: 281072 29/07/2019 20:17 BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. Interim financial information La sociedad remite información sobre los resultados del primer semestre de 2019 Número de registro: 280792 26/07/2019 07:03 BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. Information on P&L Banco Sabadell issues a press release on its results for the second quarter of 2019 Número de registro: 280626 26/07/2019 07:00 BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. Information on P&L Banco Sabadell issues the Financial Report for the second quarter of 2019 Número de registro: 280625 26/07/2019 06:56 BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. Information on P&L Banco Sabadell issues presentation on the results of the second quarter of 2019 Número de registro: 280624 24/07/2019 19:03 BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. Announcements of public presentations and meetings Banco Sabadell gives notice that it plans to hold a meeting with analysts and institutional investors on July 26, 2019, for the purpose of reporting on the results of the second quarter of 2019 Número de registro: 280535 24/07/2019 08:01 BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. Others on business performance and financial information Banco Sabadell gives notice that it has completed the transfer of a portfolio of loans, mostly secured, to Deutsche Bank and to Carval Investors. Número de registro: 280483 Relacionado con 268261 del 24/07/2018 (20:51) 04/06/2019 20:01 BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. Credit ratings Banco Sabadell announces that DBRS Ratings GmbH has upgraded Banco Sabadell’s long-term rating with a stable outlook and has maintained its short-term rating. Número de registro: 278868 26/04/2019 08:16 BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. Interim financial information La sociedad remite información sobre los resultados del primer trimestre de 2019 Número de registro: 277451 Página 3 de 134 «12345...»