The ISIN code (International Securities Identification Number) is developed in the standard ISO 6166  and is used to identify securities and financial instruments. It is a code which univocally identifies tradable securities at international level and has been adopted eagerly in all the world´s leading markets that have incorporated it into their settlement and custody processes.The standard also refers to the National Numbering Agencies (NNA), which are responsible for allocating ISINs to the securities issued in their respective countries. Three NNAs (Germany, the USA and Switzerland) act as substitute NNAs to allocate codes to securities from countries that do not yet have their own NNA.The ISIN code consists of 12 alphanumeric characters with the following structure:

  • The first two characters are the alpha-2 country code, in accordance with the international standard ISO 3166, of the NNA that assigned the code or the country of the security issuer, depending on whether it is debt, equity, warrants, etc., in accordance with the ISO 6166 standard.
  • The next nine characters are the basic number, which may include the national number. The structure and size of this number is established by each country´s NNA (for Spanish securities, in accordance with CNMV Technical Standard 1/2010).
  • The last character is a check digit.

For further information, contact the Spanish National Numbering Agency.