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Issue and public offering prospectuses
Register dateRegister numberprospectusFact sheetProspectusnominal valueISINAdmission to regulated market
19/11/2003 4918.1 AMPLIACION DE LA EMISION49,999,500
16/10/2003 4918 Prospectus register number: 4918 Prospectus register number: 4918OBLIGACIONES SUBORDINADAS150,000,000 ES0214840201 AIAF
08/08/2003 4645 BONOS/OBLIG.15,000,000 ES0214840193 AIAF
08/08/2003 4644 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES12,000,000 ES0214840185 AIAF
05/08/2003 4643 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES20,000,000 ES0214840177 AIAF
07/07/2003 4582 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES2,000,000 ES0214840169 AIAF
07/07/2003 4581 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES2,500,000 ES0214840151 AIAF
30/06/2003 4569 Prospectus register number: 4569 PROGRAMA RENTA FIJA75,000,000
25/06/2003 4562 Prospectus register number: 4562 PROGRAMA PAGARES1,800,000,000 AIAF
24/06/2003 4561 Prospectus register number: 4561 DOC. REGISTRO 
25/03/2003 4473 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES5,300,000 ES0214840144 AIAF
12/12/2002 3872 Prospectus register number: 3872 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES8,000,000 ES0214840136 AIAF
31/07/2002 3872 Prospectus register number: 3872 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES30,000,000 ES0214840128 AIAF
16/07/2002 3872 Prospectus register number: 3872 PROGRAMA RENTA FIJA75,000,000
12/06/2002 3845 Prospectus register number: 3845 PROGRAMA PAGARES1,800,000,000 AIAF
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