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Issue and public offering prospectuses
Register dateRegister numberprospectusFact sheetProspectusnominal valueISINAdmission to regulated market
22/03/2005 7838 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES10,000,000 ES0214840243 AIAF
17/03/2005 7827 Prospectus register number: 7827 PROGRAMA PAGARES2,400,000,000 AIAF
22/02/2005 7525 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES175,000,000 ES0314840077 AIAF
29/12/2004 7050.1 AMPLIACION DE LA EMISION250,000,000
21/12/2004 7164 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES105,000,000 ES0314840069 AIAF
18/11/2004 7050 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES750,000,000 ES0314840051 AIAF
16/11/2004 6999 Prospectus register number: 6999 OBLIGACIONES SUBORDINADAS300,000,000 ES0214840235 AIAF
21/10/2004 5843.1 AMPLIACION DE LA EMISION500,000,000
09/06/2004 5961 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES200,000,000 ES0314840044 AIAF
13/05/2004 5844 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES8,500,000 ES0214840227 AIAF
13/05/2004 5843 Prospectus register number: 5843 PROGRAMA RENTA FIJA1,000,000,000
03/05/2004 5833 Prospectus register number: 5833 PROGRAMA PAGARES2,100,000,000 AIAF
27/04/2004 5826 Prospectus register number: 5826 DOC. REGISTRO 
12/02/2004 5549 BONOS/OBLIG. SIMPLES90,000,000 ES0214840219 AIAF
18/12/2003 4569.1 AMPLIACION DE LA EMISION75,000,000
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